Retrouvez ici la liste de nos contributions scientifiques année par année (articles, congrès scientifiques, webinaires ou présentations spécifiques).
Theodorou, A. S., Panoutsakopoulos, V., Exell, T. A., Cassirame, J., Sanchez, H., & Kotzamanidou, M. C. (2023). Success to Clear the Bar in Elite Pole Vaulters is Affected by Step Frequency Perturbation. Journal of Human Kinetics.
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Marcel-Millet, P., Cassirame, J., Eon, P., Williams-Bell, F. M., Gimenez, P., & Grosprêtre, S. (2023). Physiological demands and physical performance determinants of a new firefighting simulation test. Ergonomics, 1‑13.
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Padova Pole Vault Convention. Pole vault technique classification and performance determinant associated. Padova (Italy) 28/12/2022. Johan Cassirame
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Doucende, G., Chamoux, M., Defer, T., Rissetto, C., Mourot, L., & Cassirame, J. (2022). Specific Incremental Test for Aerobic Fitness in Trail Running : IncremenTrail. Sports, 10(11), Article 11.
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Leblanc, R., Decavel, P., Cassirame, J., Tordi, N., Moulin, T., & Sagawa, Y. (2022). Personalized accelerometer cutoffs to evaluate moderate to vigorous physical activity in persons with multiple sclerosis : A feasibility study. Gazzetta Medica Italiana, 181(3), 9.
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L'aanlyse de la posture et de la locomotion. Association nationnale des podologue de sport. Atelier- Formation à Montpellier les 25 et 26 novembre. Johan Cassirame
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Cassirame, J., Coulerot, M., Manouvrier, C., Osgnach, C., & Petro Enrico di Prampero. (2022). Metabolic power profile in soccer based on GPS measurement concept and caveats. Sport Performance & Science Reports
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Cassirame, J., Godin, A., Chamoux, M., Doucende, G., & Mourot, L. (2022). Physiological Implication of Slope Gradient during Incremental Running Test. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), Article 19.
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Assises nationales du saut en longueur. 5 juin 2022. Paris. Présentation des données des 5 dernières années en compétitions, avancées et perspectives. Johan Cassirame
Avina-Bravo, E. G., Cassirame, J., Escriba, C., Acco, P., Fourniols, J.-Y., & Soto-Romero, G. (2022). Smart Electrically Assisted Bicycles as Health Monitoring Systems : A Review. Sensors, 22(2), 468.
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Bouillod, A., Soto-Romero, G., Grappe, F., Bertucci, W., Brunet, E., & Cassirame, J. (2022). Caveats and Recommendations to Assess the Validity and Reliability of Cycling Power Meters : A Systematic Scoping Review. Sensors, 22(1), 386.
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Cassirame, J., Sanchez, H., Homo, S., & Frère, J. (2022). Effect of gender, carrying and planting the pole on approach step parameters in young pole vaulters. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, 115, 15‑23.
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J. Cassirame, M. Burrie, J. Muzicc, S. Homo, H. Sanchez. Clustering of female mechanical performance determinants in triple jump. ABSTRACTS 46ème Congrès Société Biomécanique. Pages S1-S325 | Published online: 26 Nov 2021
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J. Frere, H. Sanchez, J. Cassirame. Automation of athlete’s mechanical energy calculation in the pole vault: when deep learning-based pose estimation reaches human accuracy ABSTRACTS 46ème Congrès Société Biomécanique . Pages S1-S325 | Published online: 26 Nov 2021
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J. Muzic, L. Garbellotto, E. David and J. Cassirame. Does stationary motion platformchange cycling kinematics inrecreational riders? ABSTRACTS 46ème Congrès Société Biomécanique . Pages S1-S325 | Published online: 26 Nov 2021
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Frère, J., Sanchez, H., Vanhaesebrouck, R., & Cassirame, J. (2021). Effect of simplifying the body model to compute the energy parameters in pole vaulting. Sports Biomechanics, 1‑13.
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F. Pommerell, M. Poiroux, S. Durand, T. Martin, S. Boyas, A. Rahmani, M. De Chanaleilles, J. Cassirame, N. Peyrot, C Forestier. Effects of self-control fatigue on sprint performance in elite athletes. 19ème congrès international de l'ACAPS. Montpellier. 27-29 octobre 2021.
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C. Manouvrier, L Marguet, H Sanchez, J Cassirame. Effect of 5 weeks of HIT in hypoxia on physiological profiles measured in situ by GPS with elite soccer players. 19ème congrès international de l'ACAPS. Montpellier. 27-29 octobre 2021.
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J Cassirame, M Sautereau, PJ Vazel, J Frère, S Homo, H Sanchez. n the road of world class performance in the pole vault: changes according to ages and genders 19ème congrès international de l'ACAPS. Montpellier. 27-29 octobre 2021.
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Edouard, P., Sanchez, H., Bourrilhon, C., Homo, S., Frère, J., & Cassirame, J. Relationship between pole vault biomechanics and previous injuries.
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Players’ profiling: the Metabolic Power profile. J Cassirame, C. Osgnach and Prof PE di Prampero 14/08/2020
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Bouillod, A., Retali, M., Soto-Romero, G., Emmanuel, B., Frémeaux, M., Cassirame, J., Maillot, J., & Grappe, F. (2020). Acute effect of foot orthotics on drag area and perceived comfort in cyclists affected by an anatomic asymmetry in time trial position. Journal of Science and Cycling, 9, 5‑12.
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Vernillo, G., Mater, A., Doucende, G., Cassirame, J., & Mourot, L. (2020). Effect of a Fatiguing Ultratrail on the Graded Energetically Optimal Stride Frequency. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 15, 1‑4.